Friday, September 11, 2009

Fit Friday: The Art of the Bubble Bath

Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
If you are stressed out from all the back-to-school homework, sports, errands, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and economic troubles...then you NEED a bubble bath.

Here's why - a bubble bath is something COMPLETELY free that only you can give yourself. I remember when my children were babies and my husband was traveling a lot, I would be at my wits end by evening - with no break coming from my husband since he was gone. I found solace in my bubble baths. As soon as I knew both kids were asleep - the art of the bubble bath began.

I know there is a temptation at the end of a weary day to turn on the television and have a snack. This is a common stress reliever - but I don't believe that it really relieves stress like a good bubble bath does.

An awesome bubble bath takes planning so here's what you need:
1. Privacy - all children asleep and the husband aware that you don't want to be interrupted
2. Hot water and loads of Bubbles - preferably ones that smell yummy!
3. Some soft classical music
4. A hand towel rolled up as a pillow
5. A cold drink to set beside the tub
6. A good Christian book
Optional: a lit candle

Now sit back and RELAX - 25 minutes and VOILA - you emerge a new woman. Sometimes all a stressed out momma needs is a little TLC. A cheerful heart is good medicine as Proverbs 17:22 says - and sometimes all we need is a bubble bath to cheer us up!
And guess what - your family will thank you for doing this. Face it - when we are tense, stressed out and exhausted we are not able to be the best wife, mother or child of God we can be. We will more easily give into the enemy's temptations to be angry, inpatient, insensitive, bitter, and the list goes on and on.
The logo for this blog includes a bubble bath girl because a woman who is living well cannot live stretched to her max and stressed out! She must learn to drink from the living well - which is God's word and have joy as she lives it out. Our body affects our spiritual life - so take good care of it! Schedule in a bubble bath for yourself this weekend!

Walk with the King!


  1. A bubble bath does sound very relaxing right now.

    I like the picture with all the duckies! Cute!

  2. ok, now i want a nice bubble bath :) sounds great right!

  3. Your the best! Thank you for reminding me of often do we put everything...and I do mean everything above taking care of ourselves. Having soooo many other things to do OR feeling guilty about a simple act like a bath...or a walk...or just sitting in the shade and reading a good book for 20 min...that would rejuvenate our body,mind and soul? Renew and re-energize us? Thank you for the beautiful reminder that God does want us to take care of that we may in turn have that much more to take care of THEM with!! Drink from the well!!

  4. Hey, I am visiting from the links at Mama Bzz. I haven't had a bath in forever! Every since we finally got a shower 2 years ago, I have been too happy taking showers. It does sound good!

  5. I love bubble baths but had to comment because I have those ducks framed in my bathroom. They make me so happy - even when I'm not bubble bathing!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!