Friday, August 28, 2009

Fit Friday: Which Food Network Star Am I?

Do you watch the Food Network? Then maybe you can relate to this article below! Women Living Well's Certified Fitness Trainer - Clare - is back with us today and here's what she has to say:************************************

The thought occurred to me one day while on the elliptical machine and watching the Food Network, that our eating habits could be categorized by one if not many of the fabulous chefs on the Food Network. I'm not necessarily thinking about how we cook either. There are a lot of factors which figure into our physical make-up, but we can't negate the importance and weight (no pun intended) that eating has. Sometimes we have to analyze our eating and workout habits in order to really find our true issues with weight loss. Sit down this week and think about how the foods you put into your mouth are contributing to your overall health!

Paula Deen: Is butter, sour cream, fried foods, and more butter your mantra?! If so, chances are you may end up being a little, shall we say, "softer" around the middle. Unless you are looking to gain some weight, veer away from the fatty and fried foods. Always allow yourself a treat though because butter is OH so good ya'll!!

Rachael Ray: Do you cook with boxed items, some fresh ingredients and lots of pasta? Rachael provides a good way for many of us to cook with items already in the pantry (and relatively inexpensive) but with being able to add some fresh ingredients. Rachael by no means is over-weight, but to some, may not be as "thin" as they themselves would like to look. She probably represents where many of us fall in regards to fixing meals and eating.

Giada DeLaurentis: If you are like me, Giada's physique is one to be admired! You'll notice that she cooks great, flavorful food and eats desserts, breads, and appetizers alike. However you'll find that she mainly uses food in their "original" form...herbs, vegetables, fruits, fish, healthy oils...If you want a lean physique like hers while enjoying the variety of foods out there, then try to mimic that kind of cooking.

Where do you fall? I'm somewhere between Rachael and Giada with a sprinkling of Paula. Grab recipes from the cooks whose waistline you admire and maybe you'll see some changes in yours!!
I appreciate Clare's advice and that's some great food for thought!

Walk with the King!


  1. Unfortunately I'm a total Paula Deen right now! I would say I am a Rachel Ray in training. Perhaps someday I can get to Giada!

    Great post!

  2. During the summer months, I am more of a Giada, but from about November through January, I am a total Paula! I actually love all of these shows!

  3. That's a great way to look at it! I'm going to take this as God's way of telling me to watch Food tonight while my hubby is out of town. ;)


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Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!