Saturday, July 18, 2009

Book Giveaway: "Life Management for Busy Women"

It's time for a GIVEAWAY!!! And to go with this weeks theme I'd like to giveaway the book titled "Life Management for Busy Women" and the study guide that goes with it! So this is two books - one to read and one filled with verses and a place for you to write down what you have learned.

These books are by Elizabeth George - one of my FAVORITE authors. Here
are a few of my favorite quotes from this book:

"Remember we live life one day at a time...yet we are living for eternity in that one day."

"Behind the passionate life of every passionate saint is a passion for God and his word."

"Discipline (in reading God's word) do it because it is what you need to do and are supposed to do and because it is the right thing to do...somehow...the duty of the discipline turns into sheer delight and we reap the blessings of a priceless, tender relationship with the Lord a thousandfold."

"Never major on the minors."

"We must never allow ourselves to be mastered by anything or anyone other than Jesus.We aren't meant to live as we please. We are not meant to have what we want. We are meant to live a life of self-denial, self-restraint and self-control."

"Paul's secret to discipline...he wanted to please God."

"Strive, reach, press, endure, fight, run and continue!"

If you do not win this book in the giveaway - I highly recommend that you go out and buy it! If you already own this book - feel free to enter and give it away as a birthday present or save it for a Christmas present! I hope to hear from all my loyal readers the answer to the question below - as it will guide me as I blog in the future...

To Win: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Which area of your life do you struggle the most to manage?
Your walk with God, your physical life, financial life, your homemaking skills, your marriage, parenting, your friendships or ministry life.

The winner will be chosen by If your email address is not connected to your ID please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

RULES: Starts today, Saturday, July 18th and Ends Friday, July 31st at 9 p.m. Open to residents of the United States who are 18 and older. Winner will be contacted via email.

BONUS ENTRIES: Become a follower of my blog and leave a second comment to let me know or for fellow bloggers, blog about this giveaway and include a link back to this post or grab my button and then let me know in the comment section for a bonus entry!

Walk with the King!


  1. I definitely struggle in making sure that my walk with God is consistent.

  2. I think I'm a big, old mess...I struggle in all of these areas, but my walk with God is where I'm struggling most right now. I NEED to carve out time first thing in the morning to give to Him, but I don't do it. I need to remember to go to Him first when making decisions, but I don't. He seems to get lost in my busy days, and I need to remember that's He's right there--I just need to let Him in. :)

  3. Do I only have to pick one? I think I struggle equally in all areas - thats the point of working mom. You feel like you never do anything 'enough'.

  4. I've been awar erecently that I'm spsending lots of time reading about (and some time doing) things re: home management, while my relationship with God is kind of stagnant.

    (Not sure if I can enter the contest. I live in Scotland but will be in America visiting my family 30 July - 16 August!)

    And I subscribe to your blog via bloglines - does htat make me a follower? ;)

  5. I struggle the most with making God the center of my life in all I do. Specifically reading his word always seems to elude me. I find something to put before that.

  6. Elizabeth George is one of my favorite authors too! I love this book. I need to read it again...the last time I read it I was as a stay-at-home mom, I have a different set of "life managament" challenges. I'm struggling with finding the balance between managaing my housework, time with my little girl, and time in ministry as my husband is a pastor. This has been on my mind a lot lately! Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. your button is on my blog :)

  8. It's a toss up between my physical life and my homemaking skills. Sigh
    Maybe the book will help! ;-)

  9. In this season of my life, I just feel like I'm trying to balance the collision of marriage, mothering, ministry, and trying to be a daughter, sister, friend, and "person." :) Causes me to be in much prayer daily and always asking God to help me use my time His way each day.

  10. I know I could not pick just one. I struggle in all of these areas.

  11. Which area of your life do you struggle the most to manage?
    Your walk with God, your physical life, financial life, your homemaking skills, your marriage, parenting, your friendships or ministry life.

    For me as well it is a struggle to manage all of those areas at once. There are days when one stands out more but really I struggle with balancing my life. I have recently been encouraged by remembering that it might not totally matter WHAT I am doing as long as I am doing it FOR HIS GLORY. That helped me even this morning as I woke up in a slight panic over all that is on my plate this week.

  12. I struggle in all areas- time management, my walk with God, finances, family life etc but I know he never said it would be easy but he is there for us when we need him and call on him. Praise the Lord!

  13. I struggle most with my walk with God and parenting skills.

  14. I struggle the most with my finances and consistency in my daily walk with God. I own this book but know someone perfect that I would give this on to if I won. Thank you for the giveaway.

  15. I just signed up to be a follower. thanks again!

  16. I think that I sometimes struggle in my marriage. I am not as compassionate towards my husband as I should be. I also struggle with my homemaking skills. I feel like I should be more available to my family and more willing to take care of my house :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  17. I just became a follower too! Thanks again!

  18. I struggle at home, running a good clean house while being a good mom to 3 kids, 3 dogs and 1 horse...then a good wife to my DH while he is home.

  19. I don't know what area that I DON'T struggle with (at least at some point). I have a hard time balancing everything. I feel if I get a handle on one area, I look around and I've neglected another area.

  20. I struggle with my homemaking skills the most at this point in my life. Thank you for doing a giveaway. I'll email you with my email address in case I win (keeping my fingers crossed :))


  21. How fun Courtney!!
    This is an area, life management, that the Lord has been working with the Wood girls on! This would be a wonderful resource for us to learn from. We are currently working on adding exercise to our daily routine, keeping our priorities- His priorities and living with that gentle quiet spirit He finds pleasant!
    P.S. we are following you and LOVIN it! :-)

  22. My struggle is definetly quiet time with the Lord. I would LOVE to be consistent in this area.

    Just found this blog and yes I am a follower. Love it!!

  23. Can I say all of the above? I guess right now physical life is one of the top ones...

  24. I work FT and homeschool my 2 boys, ages 11 and 9. I feel like I have the management area down but I would definitely like a closer walk with God. Actually, a closer walk with God would make all the other options listed easier!

  25. Wow. Do we have to pick just one?! I'm having a hard time in many areas right now. My walk with God is suffering, my house is suffering, my physical body is suffering... my time with my son is suffering. I feel like I need a break. It's hard to keep pushing onward! I could use some encouragement.

    gitrecca at gmail dot com

  26. I would have to say that I struggle with my housekeeping skills unlike when I was single and on children. There are only so many hours in a day and I feel like this is the one area I put on the back burner when it comes to purging and cleaning out.

    Love this book and the quotes you have listed - perfect read for me and now!


  27. We've posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

  28. Sounds like a blessing to anyone!

  29. I think I struggle the most with my home maintenance.

    BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

  30. I struggle with physical, financial, friendships, and parenting managing. I struggle with the time to do all I need to do. These books would be wonderful! I love your blog. We've had a tough year with job loss, etc...and your prayers for childrens have kept me going. Thanks for sharing the word. God Bless!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!