Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thrifty Thursday: Free Summer Activities for Little Ones

So are you wondering what in the world you are going to do to entertain your little ones ALL summer long!! Well I found the most awesome extensive list of fun things to do over on Adventures in Diapering!

She has listed "100 Fun Activities" - I narrowed down the list to my favorite 50 but to see the entire list of 100 go to her site. My plan is to print this page, hang it up and mark them off as I do them. I know so many times in the morning the kids will whine "what are we doing today?" Now I'll look at the list and pick one fun activity to do with them and cross it out - this just helps me to be more creative and intentional about my time spent with them.

50 Boredom Busters!

  1. Make a Dog House out of a Box

  2. Play the "Hot/Cold" Game

  3. Have an Easter Egg Hunt- Anytime of the Year!

  4. Help Them Make a Letter/Picture to Mail to One of Their Friends

  5. Have a Picnic in the Living Room (this is something we do regularly)

  6. Make Cut-out cookies (share some with the neighbors or a Sunday School teacher)

  7. Take a Walk Somewhere New

  8. Make Sock Puppets

  9. Create Your Own Movie

  10. Plant Some Flowers or Vegetables From Seeds

  11. Lie Down on a Blanket Outside and Name the Animals You See in the Clouds

  12. Have an Indoor Pretend Campfire

  13. Have a PJ Party (we do these regularly too - we all sleep in my sons room on the floor)

  14. Play Restaurant (I did this as a surprise for my family one night. I made menus, transformed into a waitress and made the kids pretend to pay me - it's a fun twist for dinner - even my husband enjoyed this!!!)

  15. Go for a Nature Walk

  16. Have a Scavenger Hunt (my kids LOVE to make these for me and it keeps them busy hiding things for over half an hour - and it only takes a few minutes for me to follow the clues)

  17. Make Collages (give them old magazines or ads - this will keep their hands busy for a long time - love it!)

  18. Finger Paint with Chocolate Pudding (I've never tried this but we will this summer)

  19. Have a Popcorn Movie Night (this is a regular in the winter time)

  20. Write a Story Together

  21. Act Out a Bible Story (this is an excellent teaching tool)

  22. Play on a Playground- TOGETHER! (burn a few calories!)

  23. Set up a Pretend Hospital (my husband loves this cause he gets to lay on the couch for an hour while the children dote on him!)

  24. Count Your Blessings- Seriously, Make a List and Count them.

  25. Exercise and Stretch Together

  26. Have a Bike Wash

  27. Go Pebble Hunting

  28. Have a Color Theme

  29. Look at Old Family Photos Together (my kids LOVE to see their baby photos)

  30. Make a Fruit-Loop Necklace

  31. Color Pictures to Send to Family Members that Live Far Away

  32. Have a Reading Day- Check Out a Ton of Books from the Library, and Then Spend all Afternoon Reading (perfect for the next rainy day!)

  33. Have a Tea Party

  34. Set Up an Obstacle Course (my son does this regularly on the driveway for his sister)

  35. Decorate Your Bikes and Have a Little Parade (we did this one year for the 4th of July with streamers and all!)

  36. Play with Shaving Cream

  37. Have a Pots and Pans Musical Band

  38. Make Pet Rocks

  39. Build a Fort Out of Blankets

  40. Play Volleyball Using a Balloon

  41. Create an Alphabet Book

  42. Play Red Light/Green Light

  43. Play Indoor Basketball Using a Laundry Basket and Stuffed Animals

  44. Create a Mini-Salon and Give Each Other Funny Hair-Dos

  45. Play Freeze Tag

  46. Go Bug Hunting in the Backyard (another one of my sons favorite past times! Ick!)

  47. Decorate Cupcakes and take them to a neighbor

  48. Learn About a Different Country

  49. Have a Backwards day

  50. Play hide and seek (I love to count very slowly and then go from room to room uncluttering while I "pretend" to look for them - they are having fun and I get work done - is this wrong? Maybe I shouldn't have admitted this!!! haha!)

Walk with the King!


  1. What a fun list! We're actually already planning to make fruit loop necklaces today. :)

  2. LOL, it's the only way I WILL play hide and seek. Maybe I should'nt have admitted that :)

  3. That's my plan too- hang the list up and cross them off as we do the activities. I plan to write some posts with more details on some of the projects and crafts (if I can ever find my camera cord which got lost in the move- ugh!).

    Here's a link to the entire list of 100:

    Kristi_runwatch- I'm interested in hearing how your fruit loop necklaces went! We made some a few weeks back, but had a hard time getting the fruit loops threaded. We used generic fruit loops, though, so maybe that's why we had problems?

  4. Hi Countney It's stacey over from Kellys Korner I didnt post today but I just LOVED reading these Ideas! I just Love your blog! Thank you for sharing all you do!!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!