Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Personal Order Part 2 - My Daily Schedule

Yesterday I shared my weekly schedule which mainly consisted of my homemaking duties. When my home is well taken care of and I am diligent about my daily duties, God is pleased. So I desire to do it well and my weekly schedule is my little helper.

When it comes to my "daily schedule", I'd say that it is more about me - my mind, body and spirit. This is not a selfish endeavour. This is about deciding my priorities and then living them out in my daily life. When I "go with the flow" of life, I find that my quiet time, exercise regimen and bedtime get lost in the busyness. They end up not being a priority - but the result of letting those things waver is an exhausted, stressed out, temperamental wife and mommy. So this schedule helps me spiritually, emotionally and physically handle the daily challenges as a mom, wife and servant of God.

My daily schedule has helped me in my pursuit for balance. This schedule is only effective if I discipline myself to follow it. So, the easy part was creating the schedule (which changes with the seasons of life - I write and rewrite schedules all the time!) and the hard part is implementing it.

Currently my schedule applies 7 days a week - but it flexes with my family's needs. Also, you will see that there are chunks of time not allotted for - those are the hours that I spend doing the weekly tasks from yesterday's schedule. Also, I have scheduled in at 8pm my exercise time every night but I only workout 3-4 nights a week at that time because sometimes I attend an aerobics class at 9:30am.

Here's My "Daily Schedule":

My alarm goes off before 6:30am, 7 days a week. Periodically, on a Saturday I will not set my alarm. But this is rare.

6:30 - Proofread my blog written the night before and post it

6:40 - Pray and write in my prayer journal

6:50 - Read my Bible using my "Reading Through the Bible in a Year" Plan

7:05- check facebook and email the Good Morning Girls

7:15 - Shower

7:45 - Breakfast
8:30- Out the door - to preschool or Church 5 days a week
12:30 - Lunch
2pm - 3pm - Check my blog, facebook and email (the children have a quiet time in their room for an hour)
5:30 - Dinner

7:00 - Children's bedtime Routine begins

7:30 - kids are in bed - Begin the next day's blog, check facebook and email

8:00 - Exercise for one hour (treadmill plus weights or pilates)

9:00 - Back to my computer or do Bible study

9:30 - One on One time with Keith (my husband) to talk about our day for 30 minutes

10:30 - Begin to get ready for bed

10:40 - Read a Christian book in bed

10:59 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

It is noted in the Book of Daniel that Daniel prayed three times a day - morning, noon and night. Also, it is noted that he kept a very strict diet - of mainly vegetables and water. He did not wish to defile his body with the food that the King offered him. Ultimately, this man who lived this disciplined life - was used mightily by God. Now Daniel was an exception - not the rule - but his life inspires me to focus and force my lazy soul to do the things I would not naturally do, had I not made a schedule to do them.

Do you have a daily schedule? I'd love to hear about it! Share it in the comments section!

Walk with the King!



  1. Courtney, We do have a daily schedule around here but every day is a little different due to piano and dance lessons for my girls in addition to other homeschool activities. I have had to learn to be pretty flexible.

    Here is a rough outline:
    7am Wake up time and morning chores for me and the girls (Bible time, shower, make beds, fold laundry,empty dishwasher, Victoria has some school work she does on her own during this time. I made her a chart that she follows every morning).

    9am to Noon School (M,T,W,F,Sat)
    Thursday we attend our homeschool group class.

    12:30 Lunch

    Afternoons: finish any school we did not get done, housework that needs to be done, check email, return calls. If this is our cleaning week then we do our cleaning during this time. Errands.

    Evenings: dinner is between 5-6:30 depending on our daily activites. Kids have their nightime duties (which they follow on their charts that I mentioned above). 9pm bedtime for the children. 9-11 MY TIME!!!! (read, TV, time with husband, lesson plans for school, tidy up, wash/dry load of laundry, exercise, run dishwasher).

    I will be interested to see how your daily schedule changes next year.

  2. Terri! Thanks for sharing! You are a great example of keeping your kids on task with chores. I have never worked those into my day and as a result I am quite inconsistent with them daily cleaning up their rooms and stuff. I end up doing it for them a lot.

    I am hoping to add a daily chore time into my summer schedule - but for now their chores are just a part of the weekly schedule -Saturdays only.

    Thanks again!

  3. I would like to know how you shower and get ready in a half hour?? I need to speed up my routine I think!lol

  4. No no - I don't get completely read in that 30 minutes. I shower at 7:15 and then do the whole cream thing, brush the hair, blow dry it and get dressed. Then I serve the family breakfast while my hair air dries. After breakfast I do my makeup, hair and the kid's clothes and hair. So it actually takes me an hour and 15 minutes total from the shower till I go out the door with all three of us presentable and fed!

  5. HI Courtney, I am new to your blog and reading all these old posts have been a real blessing! Keep up the good work! My question is, your workout time from 8-9pm, do you find that you feel "energized" after your workout and therefore have a hard time falling asleep? I would love to workout at night, but I am afraid this would happen ;)

  6. Karen - so great to cyber meet you!!! Working out in the evening does not keep me up at night. It's a great stress reliever and I'm usually up for another 2 hours after - so by then I'm exhausted and ready to fall asleep.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!