Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Peace During this Economic Crisis

Last week I blogged about making weekly schedules and daily schedules and meal planning - but no schedule or plan could foresee the financial crisis that our country is currently experiencing. Are you experiencing the recession in your home? So what do we do when our plans don't go our way? Where do we turn? How do we handle this downturn in the economy emotionally and spiritually?

Philippians 4:6 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God." This verse tells us to not worry about anything and how can we do that? By praying about everything!

We must remember the same God that carried us yesterday will carry us today. Beth Moore says, "Often times we want to be delivered from our trial but God wants to take us through the trial to make our weaknesses strong. When we get down on our knees - God gets up." There is power in prayer!

How should Christians respond to America's financial crisis?
1. Recognize that God is in control.

2. Pray for the financial health of your family and our country.

3. Do not give way to fear and panic. It is not "In Money We Trust" but "In God We Trust".

4. Realize that all the money we have is God's and we are a steward of the money he has given us.

5. Reject the ugly monster inside of us that wants to go to Target and buy those new sandals (when you still have last years sandals in the closet that are just fine) if you are going to go into debt to have them. Do not even allow yourself to meander down the isles with all the cute spring decorations - the temptations may be too strong!

Dave Ramsey said on Christianity Today's website, "Have money in savings, get out of debt, live on a budget, live on less than you make, don't co-sign, and diversify your investments. These are things the Bible tells us to do with money. If you do these things, you're going to survive in bad times and prosper in good times. I'm not sitting here fretting that my world is going to come to an end based on what they are going to do in Washington."

Today, I challenge you to obey God's word and pray about everything and worry about nothing. When you do this the next verse offers this promise "And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:7)

Peace - that's what we all seek - peace comes through prayer. Pray about everything.

Walk with the King!

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Walk with the King!