Friday, February 13, 2009

Feedback Friday

Yesterday I mentioned that we had lost our electricity and at 6pm we still did not have any, so we went to my sister's house for the night - hence the reason for a late blog!!! My kids had a fabulous time playing with their cousins and I was so glad to have a warm bed to sleep in - my house was getting very cold when we left it. (Kristen and Rob if you are reading- THANK YOU!!! You are lifesavers!) Now we are back home and the electric has been restored. Hooray!

I had previously planned for today to be a "Feedback Friday". I have no idea if it will work - but I want to give it a try...

So on Feedback Fridays I will give you all a question and you have the entire weekend to give feedback and share your thoughts. There is so much we can learn off of each other - so please share or read the comments to hear from someone other than me!!!

So here's the question:

Ephesians 5:33 says "the wife must respect her husband." What are some practical ways that you show respect to your husband?

Walk With the King!


  1. I'll go first!!!

    One practical way that I show respect for my husband is... to listen to the details of my husband's work day and pray over those details. I want to free him to pursue his dreams and be a part of it by listening and praying for him daily. I know my husband has full confidence that I am his top prayer warrior and he regularly gives me specifics on what to pray for. This has drawn our marriage closer.


  2. I respect my husband by being in tune with his needs and his thoughts. We have Valentine's Day every day!! We are basically newly weds, only 7 1/2 years but they have been so very happy because we are in tune with each other. We both have been married previously, me for 45 years, 4 months and 10 days to my first husband. When he passed away, the Lord put my present husband in my life and it was a hit right off the bat!!! We never have a disagreement and he (having no children) is so understanding when I need to do something for one of my 3 married childrens. My children in return respect him and love him for what he is to me. Also, We both put God first in our lives together and separately!!
    God is so Good!!

  3. LKing (Laura) - you are truly a Titus 2 Woman - thank you for being a rolemodel for us younger ladies! Your testimony is touching and motivating!

  4. Sometimes the little things carry the most weight, I think. For example, I am terrible about ironing - I hate it. But, I am married to a man who likes a nice, crisp shirt to wear to work. Not complaining and making sure he has ironed shirts is an act of service that tells him I'm proud of him, how he looks, and the job he does! [I try to be on the ball with this, but definitely am not quite often!]
    Another thing I try to do is make it a big deal when he comes home - not because I'm trying to pass the kids off and get a break, but because I want him to know that we love him, and he's wanted and safe here. I try really hard not to have the house be in chaos and be complaining or negative when he comes through the door. I want him to know that he is missed!

  5. Kristi!!! I'm terrible at ironing too - and the hubby wants a crisp shirt! So I'm right there with you. A good iron (rowenta, shark) and non-aerosol starch is the way to go if you haven't already done that - I just learned this recently from a friend and it really made this task more bearable!!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. My husband is an editor and has been working on a very fast deadline to get some TV shows finished by this past Friday. This usually means him living at his office, but this time, it was for about 2 weeks. He made it home to eat dinner with us a few times though!
    This part of his job is the hardest for me. Usually, if this lasts longer than a week, I end up saying something mean or hurtful out of selfishness for wanting him home and I end up not being very understanding.
    This time around though, I had just signed up for the 30 day husband encouragement challenge on, and it could not have started at a better time!! I also prayed everday that God would help me through this time, and help me not to get upset like I usually do. God helped me to look at the situation through eyes other than mine. I was able to see my husband as a hard worker, and to be thankful for that fact, I was able to get my focus off the fact that he was not home, and on to the fact that he was worn out, and over worked. I was able to be an encouragement to him instead of a hindrance this time around, and he thanked me over and over for not getting mad at him and being so understanding :)
    I was able to respect him instead of being mad and frustrated at him and show that respect through bringing him hot coffee to work, encouraging him through emails and text messages, and sending him chocolates and fruit.
    I have definitely had an eye opeing two weeks!!

  7. Melodie - what you shared is powerful! When we purposely work hard to be sure that our attitude and service to our man is pleasing to God - not only does our husband feel blessed - but we too are blessed. I can see that you have found pleasure in pleasing your man!!! Way to go and thank you for sharing your story - I think we can all learn from it - that there's more joy in changing ourselves - than in grumbling and trying to change them!

    Way to Go!!! And good to meet you!

  8. Courtney,
    I have already responded once and you replied to it. Thank you.
    Today I thought of something else to add. My husband spoils me to no end!! I have not had to vacuum since I married him!! I tried to and he took the vacumn away from me. He washes the dishes all time, helps me make the bed. I do all the cooking but he does all the things that I have always done by myself! My first husband did not do these things. He would cook and make a mess, but he did not clean it up.
    I Feel So Blessed!
    God is So GOOD!!!

  9. My husband is soft spoken and not the "in charge" type. I could easily walk all over him and manipulate him if I wanted to. How I show him respect is to make sure he knows that, no matter what, I want him to be the one to make final decisions on things. He knows that I value and respect his role as the leader of our home. The little things that I know DO matter to him (like making sure the kids do not eat out of the kitchen), I make sure I adhere to. He doesn't "demand" it, but I know it's something he cares about. Also, a big thing that I always try to do, is talk highly of him in front of my children. It makes a big difference in the tone of our home!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!