Monday, January 26, 2009

What My Mom Did Right

On my womenlivingwell site there is a section titled "What My Mom Did Right" where 10 women wrote about what their mother's did right. So today - it's my turn - because today is my mom's birthday! (Picture - Top Row - Mom, Me, My Sisters; Bottom Row - My Daughter, Grandmother, niece)

The best thing my mom ever did for me was to equip me for life by teaching me to fall in love with God and his word. Through her example and love of scriptures - I too fell in love with her Savior. She taught me how to read the word and apply it and how to always go to the scriptures first for answers in times of trouble. She taught me how to share my faith and not be ashamed. She taught me how to go against the flow in a public school and be secure in my faith.

Mom always had her colored pencils on the kitchen table where she worked hard preparing to lead her precept Bible studies. If we had a problem - mom had the solution with a verse attached and if mom said she was praying - we knew - something was going to happen - because mom's prayers were powerful!

One of my favorite memories growing up were after school snack time - not just for the snack - but the time mom spent listening to all my boring stories! Mom listened and listened and listened as my two older sisters and I told many many stories. We are a chatty bunch! But I always knew I could talk to my mom about ANYTHING!

Mom introduced me to one of my all time favorite authors - Elizabeth Elliot through the book "Through Gates of Splendor." It changed my view on life for forever. It gave me a passion to live for God and a hunger to live life to its fullest for God’s glory and it planted the seed in my heart to go to Bible college.

Mom MADE me practice piano even when I hated it and now I'm so glad I have that skill!!! She taught us girls to never quit and to always do everything to the best of our abilities. Thanks mom!

Mom is so generous - and I know she would not be pleased if I gave details on her giving - but mom and dad were always supporting many ministries or sharing with others in need. She is a gift giver and loves to give in abundance. She taught me both in words and deed that everything she has came from God and belongs to God. And that we must be good stewards - she is a great deal finder!

Mom is a woman of conviction. I am thankful that she sees things as black and white and did not let us girls settle for lukewarmness in our lives. She pushed us to righteousness and to high standards. She had strict television rules and I am so thankful now for how she protected my mind.

Mom protected my purity by not letting Keith and I stay out too late when we were dating and she always allowed us to hang at the house where she could keep an eye on us! She and dad also led Keith and I in a marriage Bible study to prepare us for having a Biblical marriage.

Mom taught me how to submit to authority. Although she raised me to be a strong girl with strong convictions – she taught me how to submit my will to authority. It has been a great benefit in my life - to know how to submit to my teachers, coaches, pastors and now husband.

And finally - mom (and dad!) gave me a childhood filled with joy, love and peace. I always knew I was unconditionally loved by them and by my heavenly Father. I cannot thank my mother enough for leading me to my rock - Jesus Christ my Savior. Thank you mom and Happy Birthday. I love you!

Walk with the King!


  1. Courtney,

    This is beautiful. I got teary eyed. Happy Birthday Mrs. Wise. You are a blessings to many!


  2. Courtney,
    Thanks for sharing...I agree your mom is one of God's special blessings to me too!
    I enjoy your website...You are a beautiful gift from God to others!
    I'm PROUD of YOU!
    Love, Dianne

  3. Courtney, your mom sounds AMAZING! I want to be a mom like that!

    BTW- my MIL, FIL, and husband do precept studies! They always have their colored pencils handy when reading their Bibles!

  4. Courtney,
    This was beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing...and Happy Birthday to your wonderful Mom!
    Blessings, Suzanne

  5. Hi Courtney - I love hearing these praises for your Mom! Mine was also an inspiration to me and, since she went to heaven, I've often wished I could go back and heap on her the praises she deserved. BTW, thanks for leaving your link to this story on my blog. I'm honored that you came for a visit :) Be blessed!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!