So today I turn to page one from January 1st, 2008. There I have listed my 2008 goals. The way I list my goals each year is methodical. First, I make a goal in regards to how I can improve my walk with God, then my marriage, then my parenting, then my health, and then my ministry. So today I will share with you about goal #1. Here comes the agony of failure.
Goal #1 was "To see God in the common things and praise Him for it. To spend more time literally on my knees."
Well, half of that goal I have accomplished this year. When January of last year began, I had no plans to start this website. But as the year passed, through different ministry circumstances and home life needs, God laid on my heart the desire to start a website. As a result of this blog, I daily am watching for the hand of God in the common things so I have something to share with you.
My eyes are seeing life in a whole new way and my only desire is to point to Jesus with Elizabeth Elliot once told the story of the donkey that carried Jesus on Palm Sunday. All the people were shouting "Hosanna! Hosanna!" to Jesus and obviously the donkey did not think they were cheering for him. My heart's desire is to be that donkey - the one who brings Jesus to others so they can praise Him alone - because he is so worthy!
But the second half of that goal was "to spend more time literally on my knees." That has not happened. The pace of life I have kept, has kept me from extending my time on my knees and if I am truly honest I think I have spent less time in prayer simply because the website is eating up some of my "free time." Now one new area in my walk with God where I grew this year, was through prayer and fasting. I have done this more this past year than in all the years of my life previously - combined.
So, there's goal number 1 for 2009 - "To spend more time literally on my knees!" Have you begun to set goals for 2009? Join me as I work on these this week and pray and ask God what changes you need to make in your own life! It's time for a fresh start to live well!
Walk with the King!
I found my goals for 2008 and as far as my God centered goals I'm sure I will be adding those my 2009 list but thats ok practice makes perfect!Along with those I am adding Peace,real genuine peace in my spirit and Joy, no matter what the day brings to have joy in my heart and on my face!
ReplyDeleteMastering Peace and Joy is no small task! Great goals! I know your family will be blessed by your goals! "Do not grow weary of doing good for in dues season you will reap a harvest IF you do not give up!" Galatians 6:9.