Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Peace on Earth in the Midst of Noise Noise Noise

Yesterday, as my alarm woke me with the radio, I headed to my computer and as I blogged, I listened to music from Youtube (Casting Crowns), then I checked my text messages, facebook and email. As I drove my kids to preschool, I listened to a kids praise and worship CD. Driving home I talked on the cell phone to my sister. When I arrived home I turned on Christmas music while I checked my email for any missed messages while I was gone. I again drove in my car to my next activity with music going where my cell phone chimed in with text messages. Then I proceeded to have dinner with my parents, while my children interrupted our conversation with loud noises. Later, I put the kids to bed with a CD playing in their rooms and proceeded to my basement to run on the treadmill, while I listened to my iPod and watched television simultaneously. Then I returned upstairs to check my email and turn on the television to watch something I had DVR'd while listening to a voicemail. I finished my day by answering one last phone call and checking facebook.
When I type that all out I see how loud my world is - but I know that it really is not that unusual for women my age to have all this technology noise.
What do you hear right now? Is there any silence or peace where you are at? The saying "silence is golden" is true. And in order to find peace in the midst of this very noisy and technology addicted world we must have the discipline to turn it all off and simply sit alone and meet with God.

Mark Driscoll says : "I began to ponder what Jesus’ life might be like if He lived today. Would He be available to all of His followers twenty-four hours a day on His BlackBerry? Would He have left His phone on at the Last Supper and been continually interrupted by needless calls? Would He have failed to stop and speak to needy people because their weeping was not loud enough for Him to hear over His iPod as He hurried past them on His way to a meeting He was already late for?"

Moreover, the Bible says in Luke 5:16 that “Jesus OFTEN withdrew to lonely places.” Jesus spent considerable time alone in silence to pray, rest, and focus on what priorities He should be devoting His time and energy to. This helps to explain why, in just three short years of ministry, Jesus had a greater impact on history than anyone else who has ever lived.

The Bible also describes multiple benefits of purposeful silence, including:

  • hearing from God - I Kings 19:11-13
  • waiting patiently for the Lord to act - Lamentations 3:25-28
  • worshiping God - Habakkuk 2:20
  • knowing God better - Psalm 46:10
  • praying effectively - Luke 5:16

So today - allow yourself a break to just be silent - get alone with God. It is in this silence that we will hear loudly the truth that the choir of angels sang to the shepherds in Luke 2 "Peace on earth, goodwill to men."

Walk with the King!


  1. You techno Aren't we all :) What would we do with out all the gear? facebook? Maybe spend more time in the word!! I know I, music(even though it's praise and worship),phones and all keep me way to busy. Choices? Thanks again for your great blogs!!

  2. I know - sometimes it makes our lives easier - like DVR - it's so much easier than the old VCR tapes. Texting and email is so much quicker than making the phone call. But somehow it makes my life busier also - because I can cram more in! I am thankful for this technology - like the chance to blog. But finding a balance is a challenge!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!