On what basis can we have such joy? Jesus says in Matthew 10:20 "rejoice that your names are written in heaven." If you are born again - your name is on the reservation list in heaven!!! I love it! Doesn't it feel good when you arrive at a restaurant and there your name is on the list and they seat you immediately! They've been expecting you and no questions are asked, you are simply ushered into the restaurant. This is what it will be like in heaven - God will open the book of life and there your name will be written and he will welcome you in.
Revelation 17:8 says that our names were written before the creation of the world! We have been saved from the lake of fire, the second death and judgement since the creation of the world! Hallelujah! Doesn't that make you want to smile!
Psalm 39 says our life is just a breath - it's short - but we will be in heaven for eternity! And Psalm 43:4 says that God is my joy and delight. He is our joy! We don't have to seek joy through entertainment, friends or even answered prayers - but simply find joy in God - he is my joy! I need nothing else - I don't need a perfect husband, perfect children, a perfectly ordered home or prayers to be answered my way - I just need God - God alone is my pure joy! So the challenge of the day is to go smile and radiate the joy of the Lord to everyone around you despite your circumstances! If you focus on nothing but your name in heaven you will find that you can't help but to smile - there's so much to look forward to in eternity!
Walk with the King!
Courtney..i love it!!!! We need to remember that in the end the LORD WILL STILL REIGN and we will be with Him in GLORY!!!! Thank you for being so postive and spreading the word...
ReplyDeleteIt is so easy to be disappointed and ask "why?" when our prayers are not answered in the way we think they should. Even more so, I have found myself beginning to fear for the future of our country.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today and forever." Even though things in Washington are about to change, God isn't.
Yes, out on facebook the emotions of sadness and disappointment prevail for God's children. It is hard to swallow - but we know that we can rest in God's strong arms and trust him - he holds the future.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your comments!
SO very true!!