Friday, November 7, 2008

Is Marital Bliss Possible?

Hmmmm... Is marital bliss possible? I am currently reading a really enlightening book on marriage and it has opened my eyes to how cranky women (more specifically "I") can be! Yes, it's easy for us to try to take the role of teacher and judge to our husbands - thinking that we see their faults and we are here to point them out - but does taking that role ever bring a woman marital bliss? Nope!

We know that when our husbands fell in love with us it was not because we were wonderful teachers and judges - no they married us because they loved the sparkle in our eye when we smiled at them, they loved how we made them feel, they loved how we respected their thoughts and wanted to hear and understand them. They loved how we embraced their dreams of the future and were so trusting and loyal and how we overlooked their short comings. Then they married us - and well - Proverbs 19:13 says "a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping."

Do you catch yourself maybe not criticizing your husband out loud but thinking critical thoughts in your heart - maybe he comes home late from work one night and your annoyed that dinner is cold. Then he does it again. Then he does it again and suddenly you boil over with anger and an abundance of bitterness comes out. Luke 6:45 says "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."

What if in the dinner situation we thought how blessed we are to have such a hard working husband who brings a pay check home so we can have a warm home, food on the table and a bright future for the children? There are women who are all alone at dinner time with no husband to be expected. They are living pay check to pay check and worried about their children's future. If we thought this way - when our husband walked through the door he'd be greeted with a warm hug rather than the cold shoulder.

Who you are behind closed doors when no one sees, is who you really are. Does your husband come home to a quarrelsome wife or a wife who has a sparkle in her smile when she looks at him? Does your husband feel judged by you or does he love the way you make him feel? Now you may say - but Courtney - you don't know the awful things my husband does! I don't - you are correct - but I do know that God's word says to not be quarrelsome and to store up good things in our hearts - no exceptions are given.

When we resolve our own heart issues and choose to have joy (see past 2 blogs) I believe every woman can have marital bliss. Because bliss (or joy) does not come from our husbands but from God. And when we are obeying God's word and doing his will we will find peace, rest and joy.

Walk with the King!


  1. I've been missing my computer and the devotional folder I have in my favorites. You're in there and I enjoy your posts so much!

  2. Hey girl! I quoted you on November 3rd! I enjoy your posts too! Thanks for being inspiring!!!

  3. This is so true. I think dying to self is the key to marital bliss. These verses are a great encouragement to me: Philippians's 2:3-7 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God,did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing,
    taking the very nature of a servant,being made in human likeness.

  4. Yes, dying to self is the ONLY way to a happy marriage - yet in our society we are told to fight for our rights. It's the exact opposite of what God's word says. This is playing a huge role in the rise of the divorce rate in our nation. Our culture feeds selfishness - which only breeds divorce - so sad.

  5. I so needed this today!Thanks for sharing!Its soo hard sometimes to have that attitude! Would you mind sharing the name of that book?

  6. Hi Kimmy - I will email you the title. I have a point I disagree with the author on so I do not feel comfortable giving the title out for fear that it could cause someone to believe I hold this authors view. So I'll email you tonight!

    And we are all in the same boat - we would not need a daily walk with God if we could do all that he asks perfectly - but when we walk with him and pull from his strength - he gives us what we need each day to obey him. So keep walking with the King!

  7. Thanks for your posts. You are a huge encouragement as a Sister in Christ. It is nice to know we are not alone out here in blog world. Thanks for the "iron sharpening iron" time. Keep the posts coming!!! Love ya and praying for you and your precious family!!

  8. Great post Courtney! I have always said it doesn't take two to make it, it takes one person willing to act Christ like. Dying to self is the key, but loving as Christ loves, unconditionally is what gets us there. If only I had learned this in the beginning of my marriage, so many arguments just never would have happened!

  9. Would Love the Name of the Book also!! :)
    Apryl Y.

  10. I'd be interested in the title of the book too. I'm always open to books that are going to help me in my quest to be a better wife, mother, and Christian woman, even if there are some parts that might not agree with. Thank you.

  11. OH ladies...I really want to share the name of the book BUT I hate aligning myself with the author and their other writings. They are a very controversial family and I do not agree with all their teachings...but I will be honest and say that this book has been very insightful - so I am not "recommending" it but I am saying I read it and got a few golden nuggets from it.

    It's Debi Pearl's "Created to Be His Helpmate". Read it at your own risk *wink* You will be challenged like never before - that's for sure!

    Much Love,

  12. Courtney - I read that book a couple years ago, and I do realize it is controversial. I say take what is for you and leave the rest. BUT - the book changed my life! I have never read anything that spoke to me more (other than the Bible) and gave me such conviction on how I was treating my husband. Love, love, love the book!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!