Monday, October 6, 2008

Do You Lack Self-Control?

My children just finished memorizing for Gopher Buddies (a Sunday evening program at our church) the verse, Proverbs 25:28. It says "Like a city whose walls are broken down, is a man who lacks self-control."

So I've been pondering this verse since we've been reviewing it daily for 2 weeks. I've been using the verse to remind the children when they lack self-control that they are being like a city whose walls are broken down. My son gets very frustrated when we are building a fort and the blankets begin to slip and the "walls" come down. The fort is ruined and it takes a lot of work to rebuild it.

Likewise, when we lose self-control we ruin ourselves. Matthew Henry says of this verse: "The good character of a wise and virtuous man is one that has rule over his own spirit; he maintains the government of himself, and of his own appetites and passions, and does not suffer them to rebel against reason and conscience. He has the rule of his own thoughts, his desires, his inclinations, his resentments, and keeps them all in good order."

So I'm asking myself this morning - how am I doing? A new day is ahead of me - can I control my appetites, passions, thoughts, and desires? Or will my walls come falling down like my son's fort and my day be ruined by my lack of self-control?

If I do not maintain self-control today my walk with God will suffer, my marriage could suffer, my parenting could suffer and my work may suffer. Let's be women who are self-controlled. Plan ahead what you will accomplish today - and don't just put on your to-do list household tasks but put on there - pray for my husband, be patient with the children, encourage friends and neighbors, and walk with the King!



  1. Great encouragement today, Courtney! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Courtney,

    My name is Rorie and I am Clare's cousin from Cincinnati, Ohio! I have three boys, ages 3 and under. As you can imagine my life is more than hectic right now. Many times I feel as though I'm going day by day just trying to survive. This post in particular was very motivating for me. Thanks for providing such a wonderful website. I need the support!!!!

  3. Wow! Three boys under age 3 - amazing - you must be tired! I thought two under the age of 3 was hectic! Some days I felt like I had to take it hour by hour! Hang on to Jesus and thanks for stopping by! Your words were so kind and encouraging!

    Thanks! And by the way - You have an awesome cousin!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!